Call for Posters And Demos
We invite Packet Video attendees to participate to a special poster and demo session in the Packet Video technical program that will foster lively, informal, and in-depth discussions. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Cloud and peer-to-peer system architectures
- Media streaming, distribution and storage support
- Multimedia communications and system security
- Multi-core and many-core architecture support
- Networked GPUs, graphics and virtual environments
- Networked games, real-time immersive systems
- Operating system, middleware and network support
- Web 2.0 systems and social networks
- Next-generation video like multi-view, panorama and 3D
- Wireless networks and embedded systems for multimedia applications
- Content-centric networking
What and How to Submit
Packet Video posters and demos will be selected on the basis of two-page PDF abstracts, with fonts no smaller than 10 point, using the same format as for regular papers. You can download templates for your abstract on the IEEE website. Abstracts must be submitted through the submission system at /submission-poster/.
Posters will be reviewed and selected on the following basis:
- Submissions must describe new, interesting work, not previously presented. Posters may be accompanied by demos (subject to limited space). Preference will be given toward posters accompanied by demos.
- Student submissions meeting the above criteria will be given preference; however, non-students may also submit abstracts.
Please provide the following information in your PDF file in addition to presenting your research:
- Poster title
- Author names, affiliations and email addresses
- Mark which authors, if any, are students
- Indicate if you plan to set up a demo with your poster. If so, the submission must include the requirements for the demo setup and presentation. Note that the authors will be responsible to bring and set up any equipment they will need.
No reviews will be provided.
Posters will be published online on the workshop Web site. Authors of the best posters will be given three minutes each to present their work before the poster session. At least one author should register and present the poster throughout the entire session.
Important Dates
- Submission: Friday, October 11th
- Notifications: Friday, October 18th